a piece of raw meat on a cutting board

Vlerësime Klientësh

Shërbim i shkëlqyer dhe produkte të freskëta, gjithmonë të kënaqur.

Mishi është gjithmonë i freskët dhe shërbimi është i shpejtë dhe i shkëlqyer.

Arben H.
Several large cuts of raw beef are arranged on metal racks inside a refrigerator. The meat appears to be aging, with a dark, crusty exterior and rich marbling. The refrigerator is illuminated by bright lights, accentuating the textures and colors of the meat.
Several large cuts of raw beef are arranged on metal racks inside a refrigerator. The meat appears to be aging, with a dark, crusty exterior and rich marbling. The refrigerator is illuminated by bright lights, accentuating the textures and colors of the meat.


Kam blerë mish të freskët dhe isha shumë i kënaqur me cilësinë dhe shërbimin e ofruar nga Mishtore Ymeri. E rekomandoj për të gjithë!

A butcher is working behind a meat counter, cutting a large piece of raw meat. Sausages and cured meat hang above the counter, and the man uses a knife to prepare the meat on a wooden board. The setting appears to be a market or a butcher shop with various meats and products in the background.
A butcher is working behind a meat counter, cutting a large piece of raw meat. Sausages and cured meat hang above the counter, and the man uses a knife to prepare the meat on a wooden board. The setting appears to be a market or a butcher shop with various meats and products in the background.
Drita M.

