Mish i freskët dhe cilësi e lartë

Në Mishtore Ymeri ofrojmë mish të freskët, të tymosur dhe të përpunuar, të përzgjedhur me kujdes nga fermat më të mira. Na vizitoni në Prizren për shërbim të shpejtë.

Shërbim i shkëlqyer dhe produkt i freskët
A vibrant meat market stall displaying a wide variety of cured meats and sausages. Different cuts of meat hang from the top, while an assortment of packaged meat products are neatly arranged in the glass display case below. The stall is warmly lit, creating an inviting atmosphere for shoppers.
A vibrant meat market stall displaying a wide variety of cured meats and sausages. Different cuts of meat hang from the top, while an assortment of packaged meat products are neatly arranged in the glass display case below. The stall is warmly lit, creating an inviting atmosphere for shoppers.


Shikoni përzgjedhjen tonë të mrekullueshme të produkteve të mishit.

A market stall displays various cuts of raw meat on a counter. Three people are present: a vendor interacting with a customer and another person handling a plastic bag. An exposed light bulb hangs above, providing dim lighting.
A market stall displays various cuts of raw meat on a counter. Three people are present: a vendor interacting with a customer and another person handling a plastic bag. An exposed light bulb hangs above, providing dim lighting.
Chunks of raw meat are arranged on a wooden butcher's block. In the background, a person stands wearing a white shirt and dark apron, handling the meat.
Chunks of raw meat are arranged on a wooden butcher's block. In the background, a person stands wearing a white shirt and dark apron, handling the meat.
A window display of a butcher shop reveals an assortment of meats hanging on hooks, including whole chickens and cuts of red meat. The scene inside the shop shows a person wearing a face mask, possibly working, while the reflection in the glass reveals buildings and street elements outside.
A window display of a butcher shop reveals an assortment of meats hanging on hooks, including whole chickens and cuts of red meat. The scene inside the shop shows a person wearing a face mask, possibly working, while the reflection in the glass reveals buildings and street elements outside.

Shërbimet Tona

Mish i freskët dhe cilësi të pakrahasueshme për çdo nevojë.

Mish i Freskët

Ofrimi i mishit të freskët nga fermat më të mira për cilësi të lartë.

Several raw steak cuts of red meat with marbling are arranged in a neat, overlapping pattern. The meat appears fresh and ready for cooking.
Several raw steak cuts of red meat with marbling are arranged in a neat, overlapping pattern. The meat appears fresh and ready for cooking.
Mish i Tymosur

Mish i tymosur me shije të veçantë, i përgatitur me kujdes për ju.

A display of various cuts of cured meat in a butcher shop, including different sizes and shapes of dark brown and reddish-brown meats, some of which are labeled with prices. The meats are placed inside a refrigerated glass case and there are trays and tools visible in the background.
A display of various cuts of cured meat in a butcher shop, including different sizes and shapes of dark brown and reddish-brown meats, some of which are labeled with prices. The meats are placed inside a refrigerated glass case and there are trays and tools visible in the background.